
The Problem - Flared Gas

End Gas Flaring

Nigeria is one of the top 10 gas flaring locations globally. In 2023, the country flared (burned) 1.2TN cubic feet of gas over 4 years. The gas being a waste product released during the process of oil extraction. Not only is this devastating on the environment, livelihoods and healthcare of residents living nearby, the country also burned gas with an estimated value of $3.9BN.

Oil and gas remains a critical industry for the Nigerian economy. In the past, oversight on the sector was weak, leading to normalised pollution and poor environmental practices. Over time, Nigeria has chosen to address these problems and has become a signatory of the World Bank’s Zero Routine Floating by 2030. Efforts are progressing but Nigeria, like many countries, must take accelerated efforts to combat gas flaring.

Gas is flared because it needs a safe way to be released. It represents stranded energy where previous commercialisation was not considered viable.

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